New prototype trailer & Customization overhaul!

Hey everyone!

Last week we were announcing that we have more excited stuff we want to talk about.

First of all, we've made a new a new Trailer!

And the next exciting thing we're really thrilled to tell you comes here:
After testing the game on a fair 2019, we received the feedback that it would be cool to mix up your own craft. We heard you!

So, let's start by introducing our new Hangar Bay!

In our first prototype we had 4 crafts with 4 weapons and 4 abilties, which were in a fixed setup. In case you picked our Dentist-Craft: you get a fast craft with shotguns and a grappling hook, that could pull itself towards the target .

But what if you wanted to have a heavy craft pulling others towards you? Or you wanted to place some nice mines instead?

Riiiight, and we fixed it, you can mix everything together. You can get a glimpse of all possible variations here:

We're going to start playtesting soon, so we're pretty excited to get your hands on the game again!

If you want to stay up2date with future updates please follow us on our channels.

Much love fellow players!

your lobsters

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